The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

Have you ever looked at a book cover and not really see the whole "picture".
I just did that, as I'm typing up this post.
You see I have the hardback copy and it has a really old cover. See look at it. Who in the world would pick this book by it's cover?
i just noticed the shadow of the hand. I feel stupid. In my defense, this copy is really old and the background is just as dark as the shadow ,so everything kinda blended in together.
I know a lot of people loved this series, so I'm hoping my excitement level will go up with the next book.
I felt like this one was just okay for me. Part of my problem is that I compared it a little bit with Finnikin Of The Rock by Melina Marchetta. I wasn't purposely doing it, but my mind immediately started thinking about that trilogy and how much I loved it and then the comparing started. (I need to say that I thought Froi of The Exiles was the best book in that trilogy, one of my favorites!)
I'm not saying I hated this book. I think "Gen" is an interesting character and look forward to reading the next book. I just wish it was as great as I thought it was going to be.
I really enjoyed the stories Gen and Magus told.